Orders can be partially shipped for transactions in which you may need to send separate shipments for each product.
1. At the Orders section in Appath, select to check the box for the order that you would like to split into multiple orders.
2. Navigate to the More Actions button above the table, then select the Split option.
3. The Split Order screen will have a New Order # field assigned with a -1 or -2 at the end of the original order number.
* Note that you will need to delete the suffix (i.e. -2) and retain the original order number when splitting orders from Magento, Shopify, or BigCommerce. These selling channels (and any others that support partial shipments) will only recognize the original order number when we let them know an order has partially shipped.
4. Enter the quantity of the products to be in the New Order, then input the fields if you’d like to split the order totals to the new order.
5. Click the Split Order button to save and now have separate orders for these products.