Your connected selling channel product listing are auto imported in Appath at the Channel Items section (Inventory > Products > Channel Items). Each stores item listings can be viewed by selecting the corresponding store name in the dropdown button.
The Channel SKU column and Name column are the product item listing details from the store. Each item listing needs to be Binded to an inventory product for Appath stock management.
The Inventory SKU column list the items of your Appath Inventory; if Not Binded shown then that store item listing is not connected to an inventory product.
To Bind a channel item listing to an inventory product:
1. Click on the sku in the Channel SKU column
2. Enter a product name or sku in the search field next to Select Product (searching through Appath Inventory Products)
3. Select the product to Bind, then the Inventory Product will update
4. Click the Save & Close button