There are countless elements that go into creating a quality eCommerce website. However, there’s one piece that may strike you as one of the simplest, but is no less important. Your site needs an eCommerce shopping cart. Keep reading to find out why.
The first reason is because shopping carts have become standard. Every site that’s selling a product uses carts, so if yours doesn’t for some reason, many will interpret it as being unprofessional or maybe even untrustworthy.
Second, shopping cart software is about more than just a container for the customer’s products until they’re ready to check out. The right software will allow you to give your customers a few extra views of the product they’re interested in. They should be able to resize it as well. By allowing your customer more perspective before paying, you can expect more sales and loyalty.
Another way an eCommerce shopping cart can provide your customers with more information and, in doing so, grow your profits is by providing customer reviews, as well. This too has become a standard for online commerce. Your customers want to know what others thought about the product after they purchased it. Just like with the image options, by giving them this information, you can expect greater sales and customer loyalty.
If you have a large selection of inventory, you’ll want to make sure your customers have an easy time navigating the selection. Having a large number of products is a good thing. Having that become an issue that eats away at your profits is definitely not. Options for searching and filtering are always welcomed, so long as they are easy to use.
Keep in mind that it’s possible to go overboard with your eCommerce shopping cart options. In the end, once your customer wishes to purchase from you, you should remove as many hurdles as you can, that stand in their way. Sometimes you’ll see websites where the process from clicking “buy” to the transaction being complete is several pages, each asking the customer for more information. No one is going to put up with that if they know other sites have more streamlined processes.
While there are a number of factors that deserve your attention when building a website or revising it, be sure you put some focus on your eCommerce shopping cart if you haven’t already. It’s such a simple thing, but can have a very positive effect on your bottom line.