Some people call this a bucket list; you think about all of the things that you want to do before you die, and you set about doing them – one by one. That’s a bit morbid though, eh?! Plus, if you’re fit and healthy, you’ll think you have forever (no-one wants to think about kicking the bucket) and a deadline with no full-stop never spurred anyone into action.
So I’ve decided to rename it, and your time starts at midnight tonight. If you read this a few weeks later, don’t worry…you simply need to catch up;) But the timeframe and the goal remains the same – make 2015 the year your dreams come true! Sheesh, that sounds cheesy doesn’t it? But I’m rollin’ with it, what’s New Years Eve without a bit of cheese anyway?
Now, let’s get started!
Meet at least one of your role models
The likes of Wonder Woman might be a bit far-fetched, but just think of someone you look up to who is currently doing exactly what you want to do with your life – that’s your role model. Once you’ve figured out who it is, you just need to arrange to meet them, which is actually much simpler than it sounds nowadays with a vast array of social media connections at your disposal! Use platforms like LinkedIn to your advantage. And if you’re not on LinkedIn – what have you been doing with your life?
Conquer your weaknesses
Everyone has weaknesses, you’re not Rocky Balboa – and even he was a bit of a sentimental type. What are you most afraid of? And what’s next on the list? I’m not saying conquer ALL of them, I suggest starting off with something you know you can overcome and use that confidence to attack the others with a vengeance. It doesn’t matter what it is, big or small, as long as you do it. Personally, I fear a world without Trek Peanut Butter Bars (FYI: not having tried one of these is right up there with not being on LinkedIn, how do you people live!) – But I’m not sure how to overcome that one!
Take 1 full day off a month for the year
This is the big one, because actually ‘taking a break’ is one of the toughest things for an entrepreneur, especially for a startup. And I’m talking about a total disconnect by the way, turn off the emails, turn off the phone updates and if you need to – turn off the WIFI completely (depends on your willpower!). Take a day for you. Not for your business, not for what might happen tomorrow or next month or next year; take a day to live in the moment and to live for yourself and yourself alone. Oh but you might want to let your family know, i.e. don’t sneak off to a cabin in the mountains and come home to a missing persons report 😉
So there you go, 3 kick ass ways to hit 2015 with a bang. Now stop thinking, and start doing!