Content marketing is a rage now (that includes content in the form of videos, blog posts, guest blogging, free reports, free downloads, articles, slide decks, and literally anything else you’d like to publish). As far as online marketing goes, that’s the only way to do marketing. Ever wondered how content shows up in almost all of the marketing methods that can be deployed online? Yet, we see projects piling up in content mills with requirements that border on the type of content readers don’t like to read online, ever again…. Read the full article
Selling in 2014: How To Meet Your Retailing Future With Confidence
So, it’s 2014 and we bet it’s going to be a very important year for you (actually, every year is. We just like to jazz it up). As an ecommerce store owner or a business owner, we are sure you made up some resolutions. Like everyone else, though, your business-centric resolutions are critical for your business growth. So, no matter what you do, stick to those resolutions. Entrepreneurs have it tough, most of the time. You’d need a great deal of confidence, chutzpah, guts, and determination to help you sail through…. Read the full article
10 Strong Steps For Content Marketing in 2014 [Forget Predictions]
So they say that content marketing is the “in thing” now. You might be already on to it or maybe you are not. Probably you are overwhelmed just how much there is to do when it comes to marketing your business today. All those content marketing predictions are good, but it’s not sufficient…. Read the full article
6 Awesome Reasons You’ll Need to Justify Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship is almost a cure-all for most people. It frees them from the drudgery of doing what hey don’t like. It’s the ultimate route—when done right – to higher earnings, more freedom, and a chance to do something that can possibly change the way problems are solved. If nothing, it’s the oldest form of making a living. No matter what your reasons for entrepreneurship are, it’s not an easy path to take. It’s riddled with problems, challenges, and thorns in your path…. Read the full article
How to Organize Your Ecommerce Business Like a Pro
Small or big, eBay or Amazon, you’ll do better in business if you are organized. Better organization leads to efficiency and saves time. It makes you more productive. Every hour saved has a dollar amount attached to it, and we don’t have you tell you that. The trouble is the chaos that business really is and the hard work it is just to stay organized. Too many things to do, time always runs out, and we all have limitations to how much—or how hard – we work…. Read the full article
4 Hard Realities To Embrace Before Starting Your Ecommerce Business
Entrepreneurship is challenging. It’s also a cure – panacea of sorts – for thousands of people in the world who are looking to do something bigger in their lives. Something that’s pushes them to do more, helps them become more creative, and brings up a sea of opportunities…. Read the full article
How to Put the Power of Persuasion to Work For Your Online Store
We are in the business of “persuasion”. Make no mistake: absolutely everyone is in the business of moving people. Daniel H. Pink wrote a book called To Sell is Human to clarify that point exactly…. Read the full article
How to Make Your ecommerce Store Sizzle with Substance
Ecommerce stores are plenty out there but there isn’t much of attitude and chutzpah, if you know what we mean?… Read the full article
How to Manage Your Time With Social Media and Still Run Your Business
We’ve all heard it. Social media robs you of your day. It’s a terrible thing to drain precious time that should have been spent in running and managing your business (and that includes a clever, strategic approach to social media) only to social media and nothing else…. Read the full article
How to Make Twitter Work For ECommerce Stores
Twitter has a lot going for it – from size to engagement; from a network to really awesome conversations. Depending on your business niche, you could virtually reach to practically any company, brand, or individual — just like that. You might be frowned upon if all you did was to “hustle” and “sell” on Twitter. You’d, however, do really well if you manage to maintain great conversations, use Twitter for more than just “small talk” and make it work for your business. While there are tons of tools available, we handpicked a few of those that you can really do something with. Some of these tools help you manage your social activity. Others can help you sell, build your network, or just be awesome. Here are some tools you should take note of:… Read the full article