Everyone who has a website, whether they have a personal site or an ecommerce website, wants one that is easy to navigate and that is easy on the eyes. However, sometimes, a beautiful website just isn’t enough for visitors. If the webpage loads slowly, people have a tendency to navigate away from your page to find something else. If you are trying to sell through your site, this is very bad news. If the customers don’t wait around to see all of the products you have to offer, there is no chance of selling it to them.
Customers Don’t Like Waiting
Waiting for a page to load is the new version of waiting in line. If the customer has to wait just a few more seconds than they would on other pages, it really can sour their shopping experience. They will leave your site and they may not come back. Even if you have wonderful SEO for your pages and site, a slow loading page could destroy all of your efforts. As the Internet becomes faster, the patience people have for sites that load slowly is diminishing. They know that plenty of other sellers out there will have something else to offer them.
In addition to having a site that loads fast on the desktop version of your ecommerce website, you also need to make sure your mobile site loads quickly. Most people today expect the mobile sites to load nearly as quickly as their desktop counterparts do. Since so many people are using mobile technology, such as phones and tablets today, you can be sure that some of what they are doing is shopping. Slow loading pages on mobile could be costing you sales too.
Tips to Make Pages Load Faster
Sellers should make sure their sites are optimizing their indexing in order to speed up the search queries. Optimize for relevance and speed, and consider using AJAX to help speed up the search queries as well. These can cut down on the amount of time the site takes to search and load pages because they are only looking through the most relevant results.
Optimization of images and keeping those images and any videos as small as possible is helpful as well. Large images, even with today’s Internet speeds, can tend to slow down the load times of pages. The use of content delivery networks can help here. In addition, do not add useless items, images, and information to the pages. Only have the necessary information on the site to help lower the load times for the pages.
Getting Help
Of course, some of these tips might sound complicated, and for those who are unfamiliar with the “behind the scenes” workings of ecommerce websites, it really can be. Getting help through Appath can help to make working with your site far easier in many aspects. Getting help from professionals can ensure your website is running efficiently, so you do not have to worry about losing customers due to slow loading pages.
Summary: People today live in a fast food world. They want to have everything as quickly as possible, and that certainly includes the Internet. Today, people have no patience for sites that load slowly, and if your ecommerce website struggles to load in less than two seconds, you could very well be losing customers. Whether they are on their desktop or mobile sites, they want to have fast access to the web for their shopping experience. Sellers need to optimize their site by doing things such as indexing their pages and formatting their images correctly if they hope to keep customers.
Resource: http://www.webpronews.com/how-to-create-a-fast-loading-e-commerce-site-2012-05