Quite a few of your customers probably have Twitter accounts, as social media is very popular amongst many different age brackets today. Companies have Twitter accounts, as well, and if you do not have one yet, you really do need to start. You can use it to find more leads and customers. However, many businesses find that it is actually quite helpful to use the service as a means of customer service and support, as well.
Being there for your clients and customers on Twitter and helping them with questions, concerns, and complaints can elevate their opinion of you. Even if you have a large number of complaints, showing you are active on Twitter and doing something about the issues can go a long way in helping you to gain more trust from your followers, leading them to make more purchases through your ecommerce website.
Benefits of Utilizing Twitter for Customer Service
Things happen quickly on Twitter, and that means you need to have people who can respond just as quickly. If there are complaints about your business or service, chances are the customers are tweeting directly at your company, or they are using hashtags with your business name. You can seek out those complaints and then engage the customer to see how you can help. The last thing you want to do is ignore issues, or even worse, get into a conflict with a customer. The company never comes out looking good in those cases. By reacting quickly and appropriately to help your customers though, you can alleviate many of the issues that might otherwise fester and grow.
Twitter also lets you personalize the experience, so people feel you are helping them directly. It is the next best thing to interacting with someone face to face. When you provide customer care in this manner, people tend to come away feeling much better about the situation. They feel you’ve actually listened to them and want to help. By having a conversation with someone through the Tweets, you can better understand and take care of their issues.
Here’s another good tip. You should treat everyone who interacts with you with the same care and attention that you would a customer. This helps to build a rapport early on, and those individuals might later decide to become a customer based on that interaction. Those who are rude or dismissive to people can be sure they will not gain any new customers.
Managing your customer relations on Twitter, Facebook, other social media sites and your own site is not always easy to do. Sometimes you need extra help for your business, especially when it comes to proper customer management and support. The tools and technology you can find through Appath are a great option to make management far easier. Check out those options and the other services offered through Appath.
Summary: Twitter is one of the most popular social networking platforms in the world, but it serves a greater purpose than just telling everyone what you had for lunch. Companies today are finding that Twitter is a great way to help them with customer service. Interactions on Twitter are fast, so you need to have someone who can monitor your Twitter feed and take care of any issues that come up. It is important to provide good customer care, and not to engage in arguments with the customers on Twitter or any social network, no matter what. Always treat everyone who interacts with your business on Twitter as though he or she is a valued customer, even if they’ve never bought anything from you.
Resource: http://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/4-ways-to-use-twitter-for-customer-service-and-support/