Many people do not realize that LinkedIn actually has some real benefits when it comes to spreading the word about your ecommerce business and even getting sales. Most see the site as a means to connect with other businesses, and while that is a part of what the network offers, one can use it to help increase their leads and to make great contacts. Another one of the benefits to being a part of the network is that it is possible to position your company as a leader in the industry when you are making the right connections. You simply need to make sure you are taking advantage of the network to help boost your brand. Here are some ways for you to do that.
Join the Right Groups
LinkedIn Groups have members who have specific interests. Different groups are available for nearly every type of possible industry and interest out there. When you see groups that are a part of your niche, you can join them, but you should not make the mistake that so many other companies make. Namely, do not go into the group with your marketing guns blazing. Instead, you need to give the people in the group a reason to trust you.
By offering content, such as articles and blog posts relevant to their topics, you will position yourself as an expert in the field. By communicating with people in the group, you will establish that you are a real individual with an actual interest in the subject, and not merely selling. Once you can do that, those people will go to your site and will be more inclined to trust you and actually become customers. People are always inundated with commercials, and that is the last thing they want from their LinkedIn Groups, so keep the hard sell to a minimum, or preferably, avoid it entirely.
If you can’t find a group that you like or that fits your needs, or if you want another option, you can always create your own group. People can then come and join your group, where you will still provide them with good content and engage with them.
Create a Poll
While this will not immediately net you any new leads, it can give you some great insight into various aspects of your market. With LinkedIn, you can create polls with up to five answers. Use the polls to ask relevant questions to the group members about your niche or business. Do not try to sell anything in the poll. Simply use it as some fast and free market research, which you can then use when creating your next marketing campaign or product.
If people communicate with you through the groups, or through other aspects of LinkedIn, respond to them.
Social media is about connecting, and that goes both ways. Social media can take up a substantial amount of time, so you might need some help to streamline as many parts of your business as possible, such as multi channel order management software from Appath.
LinkedIn is a popular social networking site. Businesses have the ability to position themselves as leaders in their field, and they can engage with peers as well as potential customers through LinkedIn Groups. It is important for businesses to realize that hard selling on LinkedIn, or any social media site for that matter, is a bad idea. It will turn away the potential customers who might have been interested in your ecommerce website. Learn to use LinkedIn the right way and provide helpful content for others in the group, which can help to boost your business and even generate leads.