Google Shopping still has quite a few things to offer those retailers who are committed to actually using the system and learning all of the nuances that make it work well. The latest iteration of the system. The system has pros and cons, and it does seem as though this is more of a “pay to win” situation than it was in the past. Of course, things could change again in the future. In the meantime, it is important to realize that those retailers who do have a bit more in the way of resources can make some gains and find some nice opportunities when they start using the program.
However, they do need to make sure that they actually learn how to use the channel the right way. Let’s look at some of the things that you will need to understand.
Bidding Tips
Instead of merely bidding on keywords and products, retailers are also able to bid on the actual attributes of those products, as well as labels and groups. This can allow retailers to refine their placement and ads, which should ultimately be able to result in better sales.
It is also important to realize you will be bidding against other merchants, and you need to develop a good strategy that will help you to improve your chance of winning those bids without overspending. Watch performance during promotions, and check to see when there are spikes in clicks as a means to refine your bidding and marketing further. Analyze what is happening in the channel, and get help from a professional if needed when working with the system. In fact, more and more merchants are actually taking this route and getting help from outside sources for managing the channels. This could be a good way to relieve some of the pressure.
Ultimately, the key to doing well is to find the sweet spot for bidding, which is different for various products. This is especially important for those smaller merchants out there. You want to be able to bid enough so that you can get good traffic for your product without overspending and getting no real return on your investment. A good way to determine which of the products and placements is doing the best is to utilize Google Analytics to track where your visitors are coming from. It’s a good way to see whether those product placements are actually doing any good, and whether you should add to them or change them.
Make Your Products Attractive to Customers
In addition to creating strong ads with the right keywords and bidding properly with Google Shopping, you also need to make sure that the products are attractive to customers. Other companies may well be selling the same or similar products, and this means you should keep your prices in line with, or cheaper than, those products if you want to compete. This is not always the case with certain types of high-end merchandise, but price points are certainly something to consider. Though the price might not be in the ad, the ads are only truly successful if the click eventually results in a buy. A good ad that gets a customer to click won’t do you much good if they get to your landing page and find that the price of the product is far higher than the competitors. If you start seeing that you are having a large number of clicks on a product – between 50 and 100 – and you aren’t getting sales, it’s time to examine the ad as well as the pricing. Find the products, the price, and the listing that makes Google Shopping work for you.